Medit and Conky (en)

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medit and Conky

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You can highlight Conky's syntax in medit now as well as any editor that uses gtksourceview-2.0 or gtksourceview-3.0.

The original script came from this blog but has been updated to work with conky's syntax (variables and config_settings) as they existed on 11/11/11. Almost 100 lines of extra code. If you know the owner of the blog, please let him know the file here is updated and he is more then welcome to use it at his site.

It is known to work on medit v1.0.3 and 1.0.5 and gedit v3.0.6 (gtksourceview-3.0) as well.

UPDATE: Conky.lang_17_Jun_2013.tar.gz has been updated to be compatible with conky syntax as of 17 June 2013.

OLD: Coloration_conky_11_11_11.tar.gz has been updated with almost 100 lines of new code to be compatible with conky syntax as of 11/11/11. (historical archive)

For medit earlier that v1.1.1 you MUST put the file in:


or for Medit v1.1.1 place the file in:


Note: highlighting works automatically if the filename contains 'conkyrc' anywhere in it. Unlike gedit medit will not "remember" a file once you select it, for example: "Astro_NEO", gedit will remember that file always - medit at the moment doesn't.

Conkyrc.lang medit.png

Since I name my conky files almost anything but conkyrc I have made a slight change to the conkyrc.lang file.

Line 52 in this version reads:

        <property name="globs">*conky*</property>

it's the two wildcards before and after conky that insure any file with conky in it somewhere will be colour coded.

I have changed mine to read:

   <property name="globs">*.cps</property>

so any conky file I create with a .cps extension will get colour coded.

You did know that you can call a conky file almost anything right? thisismyconky.txt will even work!

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