One4all.lua (en)

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Revision as of 16:22, 12 July 2012 by DK75 (Talk | contribs)
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This is site for One4All project.

It is project to gather all LUA scripts, convert them to modules and use them without hassle of merging by hand. All one needs to do is to copy module from modules/available/ directory to modules/active/ directory and they will work as one LUA script.

Conky One4All LUA script
Conky One4All LUA script

12.07.2012 One4all-0.2.7.tar.gz

21.06.2012 One4all-0.2.6.tar.gz

Conky LUA one4all script - loads various scripts as modules without any need to merge it's codes by user. Just copy module from available/ to active/ directory and configure each one to your needs and they will work without any further hustle.

0.2.7 - (12.07.2012) added print_text to flibs and time2angle function don't all "" if not needed
0.2.6 - (21.06.2012) removed draw_bg interface for config-rc (only module remains)
0.2.5 - (21.06.2012) added draw_bg function, draw_bg module and draw_bg interface to use it in conky-rc config file
0.2.4 - (15.06.2012) added changelog to code for public release purpose and hex/dec conversion to functions
0.2.3 - (19.04.2012) modified start up script so it waits for COMPIZ to start
0.2.2 - (19.04.2012) changed _conky_path from local to global and added data/ directory for some additional data for modules
0.2.1 - (7.04.2012) added 12/24 type settings to time2angle function
0.2.0 - (6.04.2012) added automatic function modules loading, changed faulty names from previous release and removing modules out from main code release to separate packages
0.1.2 - (5.04.2012) changes in airclock module and modules names
0.1.0 - (10.03.2012) initial release

	_conky_path = string.gsub(conky_config, "(/.*/)(\..*)$", "%1", 1)
	package.path = _conky_path .. 'modules/active/?.module'
	package.path = package.path .. ";" .. _conky_path .. 'flibs/active/?.flib'
	require 'cairo'
	require 'imlib2'
	require 'one4all_main'

	local function _make_list(_name)
		local _file_list = {}
		local j = 0
		for i in string.gmatch(one4all_main.os_capture('ls -1 ' .. _conky_path .. '/' .. _name .. 's/active'), '%S+\.' .. _name) do
			local i, n = string.gsub(i, '\.' .. _name, )
			j = j + 1
			_file_list[j] = i
		for i in pairs(_file_list) do require(_file_list[i]) end
		return _file_list
	local _active_list = {}
	_active_list = _make_list('flib')
	local _active_list = {}
	_active_list = _make_list('module')

	function conky_main()
		if tonumber(conky_parse("${updates}")) < 5 then return end
		cr, cs, conky_window = one4all_cairo.window_hook(cr, cs)
		for i in pairs(_active_list) do
			assert(loadstring(_active_list[i] .. '.main()'))()

For modules go back to One4All category.

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